This is the first prerequisite in the first category of the LEED for Homes rating system. The intent for Integrated Project Planning is:
Maximize opportunities for integrated, cost-effective adoption of green design and construction strategies.
This seems pretty straight forward and almost surprising that it is not normally done. The prerequisite is that we have a preliminary LEED for Homes meeting whereby we create a plan for the targeted LEED award level (we chose Silver), we select the points we are going for off the checklist, and the party accountable for meeting each of the LEED for Homes requirements is selected.
I would like to say this meeting was as organized and planned as one would think, but it was more like a series of meetings with our architects, builders, landscapers, and subcontractors during which we reviewed the sub-categories of the LEED requirements as went along. There is no clear-cut verification of this prerequisite. We just check it off and say it was done. Check.
Prerequisites met: 1 of 25
ID points so far: 0
Cumulative points: 0