I used to live in Arizona, where everything should be solar-powered.   I also used to work part-time for a solar installation company in Minneapolis in order to understand why solar energy is not more widespread.

Right now, it’s purely economics, driven by very cheap power rates that do not take into consideration the real costs of burning coal (which powers 60%-70% of Minnesota homes, depending on how you look at it). Solar works in Minnesota.  If one assumes the cost of power will go up, which I do, the economics of solar get better.

So, we designed one portion of our roof to be “solar-ready” — meaning structurally, it can support the weight of solar panels, and there is conduit for wires that will run through the wall, connect to an inverter, and connect to our electric panel.

This fits into our overall attempt to get LEED Certified because having a solar system will change our rating — most likely, it will push us from the silver level to gold.  Additionally, the incentives for solar are the best right now: the $2/watt rebate from the state reduces to $1.75 on March 31, 2010; Xcel Energy has a $2.25/watt rebate, and there is a federal tax credit (not just a deduction – a credit!) for 30% of the installed cost.  Now is the time!

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